Saturday, May 19, 2012

Conclusions on the Strange Sounds Phenomenon of 2012

So here's what I think the Strange Sounds Phenomenon of 2012 is based on several days of research. The elites have developed some kind of global sound wave technology that they can project to any place on the planet though a carrier wave. Basically its the LRAD technology taken up to a global scale. Perhaps a spin off of the HAARP project. It is possible there could be several different versions of this same technology, some which would be an actual sound wave shot like a laser beam the other would be a HAARP microwave beam coming from a distant place on the planet. Im not sure exactly how it works but from all the evidence Ive seen so far I can make a pretty educated guess thats what this is, and its not any type of natural phenomenon. If it were some type of electromagnetic interference from the sun it would not be producing these orchestrated rhythmic type sounds also the sounds would not very from region to region. If this were a natural phenomenon you would expect to hear some cracking or booming or perhaps whistling but what we are hearing appears to be orchestrated ambient "music". Its as if some guy is sitting behind a magic curtain with a synthesizer set on doomsday sounds and he can choose any region on earth and play them a little symphony. So as a musician and conspiracy expert I would give my opinion that this "music" is composed on a keyboard buy sound men or musicians and then projected through this global sound device or network.
Here is a picture I took recently of a very large "cell tower". I put cell tower in quotes because this tower seems to be secondly a cell tower but its main function seems to be to support these very large, what I can only describe as speakers. You can get an idea of how large it is by the telephone polls in front.
As you can see these "emitters" whatever they are, are very large. Perhaps the size of a truck. They also have a strange shape that I have never seen before on a speaker. But the place I have seen this before is on the bell of a trumpet or horn. Perhaps this shape helps to enhance the acoustic quality of the waves it produces. I believe the motive behind the use of this technology is sinister and here is another example of them really making that fact known. It has already been established that sound can be used as a weapon, a very powerful weapon that can subdue crowds of people. So with anticipation of 2012 and Mayan prophecy looming ever nearer the elites are gradually pulling out all their weapons of psychological warfare. And they will do it in a precise and methodical fashion. So my conclusion is that this is being done to cause fear and intimidation across the world populace. It will most likely escalate as the year goes on and will eventually be paired with visual holograms. So don't fall into their trap. The vast majority of people will be blown away when they get hit with this stuff, they will have no idea that this was all designed in a laboratory.

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