Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Principal of Avoidance

One of the most fundamental principals is avoidance in your social and professional life. This can be demonstrated in many ways. For example if you wish to not get sick avoid people who are already sick. If you wish to not get cancer then avoid toxic situations such as smoke filled bars or jobs that require exposure to lots of chemicals, such as painting or fiberglass repair or even welding. This principal can be carried on to reveal that if one wishes to be always in a state of enlightenment and joy you should avoid the company/companionship of the unenlightened and the spiritually destitute. Their are many people especially in the western world who would qualify as spiritually destitute without at first seeming so. The difference being the attachment to the ego as well as their inability to let go of material "things". Their are many people who will claim to hold spiritual ideals as a front when in fact they have the most base and materialistic principals at hand. They have no spiritual awareness, they are too shallow, and their indoctrination into the "way the world works" is solidified with in their own brain. Almost always a sure sign of a low level person who could be very harmful to your position is their involvement with chemical use and abuse (the drug scene). Ive met people who were using only cigarettes but were deeply neurotic just from this one supposedly OK addiction. Just because our society condones one thing like cigarettes or alcohol or prescription medications and criminalizes another such as cannabis does not mean it is safe to associate with people involved in that lifestyle. These laws are set up to serve the interests of the industrial and governmental elites and not protect the people from harm, you can be sure of that. People die from cigarettes and alcohol all the time which means there is a darkness in their auric field which inevitably result in death. Being around people like this will generally have a negative impact on you as well, but ultimately it is up to you to listen to your intuition about certain situations and people and how best to handle the various situations of living in this often times crazy world.

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